CONTACT    p:  (503) 318-0108   e:

EMS conference logo with image of helicopter, ambulance, and fire truck. Listing provider levels from Dispatch through physicians.


The Oregon EMS Association invites you to join us in sponsoring the 2023 Oregon EMS Conference.

Annually, 200-250 pre-hospital professionals attend the largest prehospital training in the Northwest. Your generous support allows us to keep continuing education costs affordable and help us attract nationally recognized speakers who present on the most current best practices of care.

This year we are at the Seaside Conference Center in Seaside, Oregon, November 9th, 10th, & 11th. 

Please complete this sponsorship form on our website and to pay by credit card.  If paying by check, please note that on the application page and send payment to the address listed below. 

 For Platinum Sponsors’ logo and ad will appear in our CE booklet along with a link to your website which will also be on the conference website home page.   You will receive acknowledgement in each attendee’s packet and on all conference banners.  Additionally, you receive two complementary registrations.

Please email if you'd like to pay another amount for opportunities